PaaS SaaS IaaSon-demand and in the cloud

TechnologyProvided by MODUSPHERE

Solution Platform Powerful SOA Platform

MODUSPHERE uses a modern, highly available, best-of-breed IT stack and operation at a high security data center to host our solution framework. Below is an illustration of our complete solution framework.

Key Features and Benefits

Rapid deployment Rather than spending months in developing and deploying a solution, only to obtain uncertain results, you can be up and running in weeks with a best-practice based approach to customer integration.
Accessibility – Via our FlexConnect technology, you and your trading partners communicate via a single, transparent Modusphere connection, enabling the secure, efficient delivery of information across the entire value chain.
Flexibility and scalability – Modusphere can leverage your current back-end systems enabling your partners to easily communicate with you.
Extensibility – Modusphere scales as you connect to an increasing numbers of customers and technology platforms.
Process automation
- Modusphere's  M-BPM provides transactional choreography and message enrichment to construct complete transactions that flow through your back-end order management systems and your customers’ back-end procurement systems. The result? A streamlined flow of information that provides all trading partners with the meaningful data they need to execute highly accurate orders in a timely fashion.


Cloud ComputingPlatform as a Service / Software as a Service / Integration as a Service

Imagine a world in which everything is delivered as a Cloud Computingservice—from computing power to business processes to personal interactions. That’s the world of cloud computing. Cloud computing allows your organization to access highly scalable and flexible computer resources and services over the Internet as needed. We can help you take advantage of cloud computing and create the right solution to support your business requirements


Private Cloud


Private cloud gives you the flexibility and economics of cloud while retaining the security, transparency and control of internal IT. Modusphere can provide private clouds for clients looking for just that. 


Modusphere's innovative M-Sphere solution platform eliminates the expense and resource drain associated with deploying traditional cross-enterprise integration software or developing a solution in-house. Our Integration services work seamlessly with your internal enterprise and trading partners’ systems.

We deliver on the promise of cloud computing, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Business Process Management (BPM) with our innovative software technology.  We provide on-demand, business integration, process automation and optimization products and services to enterprises that dramatically reduce costs and improve business process efficiency.  Our products, are provided to our customers over the internet in a “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model, via our updated version of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), M-Sphere.

Our inter-operable core services reside in a central repository, and include services such as: “any format-to-one format” purchase order submission; inventory information; order visibility; product specifications; risk assessments; account provisioning and activation; integration of external partners and “any document-to-any document” translation. These products are offered in a ‘pay-as-you-go’ model and are affordable, for the first time, to smaller and medium-sized businesses. 


MSphere Platform


Developing an optimized process automation solution is a complex task that involves people, process and technology from multiple organizations working together in a seamless environment. Modusphere has developed a platform along with a methodology to accomplish this integration with your current environment and to save your organization the time, expense and pain involved with integrating, automating and optimizing your business processes. The high level components of Modusphere’s platform are illustrated above.